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Friday 4 March 2011

K a K Limah mmg best.

Kak limah ngan ngankung mane lg best. ?
 K a K Limah of cuz.
hahaha ....lg2 ucop nan abu huraihah.
haha !

korang dah nengok lum citer tuh....
aq mlz nak cecite kat sini.
k lah..papehal cecite sket.,

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Pekse Agak Senang.

x seperti dijangka kan.
pekse tuh boleh dikatekan senang sederhana haha.
bajet lebeyh jewk aq nih.
td asal aq berkeyakinan sanad eak?
oke.cau dulu.

Monday 21 February 2011

But You Always Be my Hero.
Stop Blow My minds.
My heart beat Is beating me.
there is gravel in our story.
watch me burn.
stand there heard me cry.
i try to run.
back after school,
its morning.
you push in cofee table.

Saturday 19 February 2011

I really Love Sean Paul.

Sean Paul Ryan Francis Henriques[1] (born January 9, 1973),[1][2] who performs under stage name Sean Paul, is a Jamaican Grammy winning reggaeartist who is the formeSean Paul was born in Kingston, Jamaica and spent his early years in Upper Saint Andrew Parish, a few miles north of Kingston.[2] His parents, Garth and Frances, were both talented athletes, and his mother is a well-known painter.[3] His paternal grandfather was a Sephardic Jew whose family immigrated fromPortugal, and his paternal grandmother was Afro-Caribbean; his mother is of English and Chinese Jamaican descent.[4][5] Sean Paul was raised aCatholic.[6] Many members of his family are swimmers. His grandfather was on the first Jamaican men's national water polo team. His father also played water polo for the team in the 1960s, and competed in long-distance swimming, while Sean Paul's mother was a backstroke swimmer. Sean Paul played for the national water polo team from the age of thirteen to twenty-one, when he gave up the sport in order to launch his musical career. He attended the Wolmers High School for Boys, Hillel Academy High School, and the College of Arts, Science, and Technology, now known as the University of Technology, where he was trained in commerce with a view to pursuing an occupation in hotel management.r lead vocalist of the Dutty Cup Crew.

Besok Ujian.Wink3 ^^

Pergh...sabo jewk..otak kosong lagi
x de masuk pape dah pekse ...
tu lah orang suh blajo dia maen sape suruh...
otak aq jugak..:)
pape pon aq nk wat the best gak besok...
walo arah melintang..
da cau dulu.

Cumeyl Ka inih budak?

Cumeyl lajugax boleh tahan la.....
haha ! budak nih la yang wat kan aq semangat wat blog yg sedang korang baca nih.
haha ! add dia fb ::http://www.facebook.com/qamarina.isyqi
Cuma Jgn gurat dia ...
aq bukan punya hahax !
kidding la.

Fakta saja !

1. Sebelum Masehi di dalam bahasa inggerisnya adalah B.C (Before Christ). Setelah Masehi adalah A.D (Anno Domini)

2. Ikan yu kehilangan gigi lebih dari 6000 batang setiap tahun, dan gigi barunya tumbuh dalam masa 24 jam sahaja

3. Julius Caesar tewas dengan 23 tikaman

4. Nama kereta Nissan berasal dari bahasa jepun Ni : 2 dan San : 3. Nissan : 23

5. Zirafah dan tikus boleh bertahan hidup lebih lama tanpa air daripada unta

6. Perut memproduksi lapisan lendir setiap dua minggu agar perut tidak tercerna organnya sendiri.

7. 98% dari perkosaan dan pembunuhan dilakukan oleh keluarga dekat atau teman si mangsa.

8. Semut dapat mengangkat beban 50 kali tubuhnya

9. Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika ditulis diatas kertas marijuana

10. Titik diatas huruf i disebut ‘title’

Time is Goal !